Bent at the double

I have some slight reservations about the signing of Darren Bent. The price represents a gamble, what lower league player at £3m doesn't? He is not an out and out goalscorer but then who is for less than £10m?
I like the fact that he is ony 21, and he gives us even more pace but as a lonesome signing I would be worried. I would rather see Dean Ashton personally.
However every quote coming out of the club today has been very encouraging with regard to this being only the start of the transfer rush and I do think Bent would augment other signings - an enterprising midfielder and a big strong forward - very well.
Clearly learning lessons from last summer Richard Murray said tonight:
"We are looking to sign five senior players, starting with Darren. I'll expect there will be one more signing next week, and another one the week after that and so on for the next four weeks." Lets hope Murray & Curbishley can weave their magic in the transfer market early and unlike last year when everyone knew our budget and negotiated with us accordingly, this summer the details of that seem unknown to only the man holding the wallet.
Exciting weeks ahead for Addicks.