How annoying's Blogger?
Sometimes Blogger is so pish. You tap away and then go to post and nothing happens! So annoying.
I fly home today, it was a tiring & hectic week with me driving hundreds of miles and included a morning in casualty on Sunday because I thought I had poxy DVT (am embarrassed about it now but I woke up on Sunday and could hardly walk, so started to put 2 and 2 together and needed to put my mind at rest. It was by a kind doctor at Eastbourne General Hospital).
Last night we sat in a bar in Kings Road just across from Martine McClutcheon. No reason I wrote that apart from the fact it made me realise that in Chicago, unless it is Brad Pitt or David Scwimmer (who I did actually see) I never know If I am sitting in a bar opposite anyone famous.
Back to work tomorrow, Detroit (nice!) Thursday night for a client meeting Friday and then it's the weekend and I'm told Chicago has seen it's first snowfall of the winter. Here comes the cold.