Lofty expectations

Its a big day today in my Chicago life as I close on my loft. Yesterday I cleared my bank account out of every nickel and dime in order to rustle up the remainder of the deposit and by 5pm tonight I will become an American house owner. Tomorrow you will mostly be seeing me in Home Depot hiring sanders and wallpaper steamers and buying dust sheets as I get to work on it. I will move in at the end of the month.
It sounds like the weather in London is still cold, I couldn't believe the snow when I was home last weekend, it was especially bad at my parents in Eastbourne. It was also the first time my son had ever seen snow and it made me realise that I need to get him here soon.
The weather here is still cold as you will see from the picture I took yesterday but the days are getting longer and the sun is high in the sky which I prefer a shed load more than the low cloud we get at home.
My time at home was fun. I managed to clock up over 600 miles, watched SpongeBob SquarePants at the cinema, got drunk on Monday night, had two much missed curries and managed to fulfil my role as best man, I even got a few laughs during my speech, although I didn't realise how nerve-racking the whole experience was until I picked up my champers at the end to toast the bride and groom and my hand was shaking like a shaky thing. I didn't spill another drop all night though!
A busy work month lies ahead and by my reckoning next week will be my first full week in the office since the turn of the year.
"I don't how you get away with it," someone said to me yesterday. Oh well, you've either got it or you haven't!