international supporters club
It appears that Ian Cartwright, who was running Charlton’s International Membership Scheme has left the club and Rick Everitt's group has picked up responsibility for it.
I applied to be a member in the summer and had a response from Ian saying that they were ploughing through the many enquiries, think he said 10,000? How many overseas Addicks are there? Anyway with Rick at the helm, I have high hopes that the Valley Express will soon be doing some cheap deals from Chicago.
Wendy Perfect has been charged with going through what is outstanding, so if like me you have heard nothing, there may be a response sooner rather than later.
Of course like a lemon I left my credit card details, which leads me to assume that I am still picking up Lisbie’s wages, which now extends to grapes and flowers while he convalesces from yet another freak injury.