Hull is a long way to go for tea

I felt for my son and his little school mate that he’d have to leave his school at the end of term to start a new one somewhere he couldn’t remember after the summer holidays.
Hull City was another new name to conjure with for my son as I tried to explain why Darren Bent had chosen Tottenham and Bryan Hughes had chosen Hull as their next career destinations.
"Darren’s better isn’t he Daddy?" drew the end of the conversation.
I suppose if I had been a bit more on the ball I could have put two and two together on Thursday night when after speaking to my son on a return from tea after school at the Hughes’ household, the Dad was missing, away overnight apparently, and probably holed up in the Hull Marriot.
It didn't surprise me that Pards offered the 31-year old a new contract but I suspect it was only a year and he got 3 at the KC Stadium. I think he will score goals in the Championship but unfortunately it won't be for us.
I wish Hughes and his family well in their new surroundings. My son will miss his son and I think we could actually miss his Dad.