Gavin and Stacey

We don't get to see much British television, that might change a tad in Bermuda, but other than repeats of old
Are You Being Served episodes on
BBC America we are starved of most things British, especially comedies.
However thanks to the wonder of
iTunes, over the past few weeks we have sat through the whole two series of BBC Three's
Gavin and Stacey, and I know I'm a bit old with this, but it is bloody superb. It's a sure sign one has been away from home too long when these cult comedies pass you by. In a night out with the lads, when everyone is saying
"What's occurring?" and I don't have a clue what they are on about. The same happened initially with
Little Britain and
Catherine Tait.
Gavin & Stacey is comedy genius, every character offers so much depth and hilarity and watching them one after the other, all 13 episodes, was like a drug. Smithy and Gavlar are two of my Essex mates ten years ago, although it was me who used to drive to Pennyfford (don't ask) to see a girl I met on holiday a long time ago!
I have read that after a Christmas special writers James Corden and Ruth Jones will end it there, but they have sold the rights to
American network NBC. This was the channel that Americanized
The Office, and on the whole did a decent job. Whether Gavin and Stacey from New Jersey and South Carolina will have the same impact, I think I am skeptical.