
I was in a coffee shop in Hamilton on Saturday afternoon when I checked my Blackberry to see what the score was. 1-5 it read. It had been one of those weeks.
I get weeks when I just seem to disappear. Work takes over, clients take over and I wake up on a Saturday and wonder what I have done in the past 5 days and who I've seen. It all gets a bit suffocating. I was out every night last week with clients, but as always was unable to help myself and went out for a couple on Friday after watching the Christmas lights being turned on (photo) at the City Hall and then last night with some friends to an end of season cricket dinner. I'm tired but this week will be a short week with the American's forcing Thanksgiving on us. Thank you America.
Thanksgiving Day is of course Thursday, my Bermudian boss rather us have the Friday off, which is okay with me as that allows me to join 19 other Brits at an alternative Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday afternoon. One week later will be on our way to Utah for some early season skiing.... hopefully.