Yes we can!
I've followed the American election for two bloody years. Those damn yankees know how to drag something out, they can make a 48 minute basketball game last 3 hours for chrissakes. However today this gripping drama, that hasn't only engulfed a nation but the world, comes to a conclusion. Sadly only those of American descent can vote, if they opened it up this clever Global Electorial College put together by
The Economist, shows they would have to invent a new word for landslide!
Gallup did a world poll too as did The Guardian and others
here. Same whitewash.
Only in America could the race to decide to vote for either a change that the world can relate to, or more of the same incompetenances of the past 8 years be so close. I watch American TV and I try to be impartial but McCain's bungled approach to the economy, the Iraq war and healthcare would see him turned over for a promotion in all but the crappiest of companies.
America's standing in the world following the inept era of Bush is so severely damaged it may never recover. I don't live in the US anymore, and even if I did, I couldn't vote but if McCain and that extremist nutcase Palin get in, then the country probably deserve them, but they may as well say goodbye to any empathy and union from the rest of us.
Obama is the man for now, vastly more competent, worldy, believable and in tune with the times. And he's a Chicagoan of course. Yes we can!
Bermuda, 12.05am: John McCain concedes and Barack Obama makes history by becoming the 44th president of the United States and the first African-American. Wish I was in
Chicago's Grant Park.